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40 Landscaping Ideas for Your Home

September 13, 2022

The First Thing to Do When It Comes To Landscaping

The first thing to do when you begin any sort of landscaping work is to analyze the space you are working with. To most first-time landscapers, the amount of space they have is almost all they may look at. However, there are many more factors to analyze before planning out your project.

For starters, the environment your property resides in is arguably the most important. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you or your gardener may try, no one is going to be able to keep plants from freezing environments in one like here in Southern California, alive. You may also want to consider the local environment when figuring out what irrigation systems you'll be installing, and how much water your plants may require.

The second most important thing to think about before touching your yard, is to think about the style you want to achieve. Consult the way your home was built, first and foremost. To put it simply, you'll more than likely find it more aesthetically appealing to make your garden a continuation of your home, not a separate entity. Therefore, stick to curvy pathways, colorful flora, and quaint fountains if you're trying to achieve a Spanish style, or a multi-layered, heavily hardscaped, and simple arrangement if you're aiming to create a Mid-century Modern one.

Next, you'll want to think about how much maintenance your landscape will require. Remember, sprinklers get broken, plants wilt, lawns grow, and weeds spread. Taking care of a landscape is no easy work, so it comes down to how much time and energy you'll be putting into it, or how much you'll be paying someone else to do it for you. Speaking on the matter, we here at Allstate Landscape Services recommend checking out our nearly maintenance-free synthetic grass provided through our franchise, Southwest Greens. Our corporation will come out and give you a free estimate on all of your needs, whether it be our synthetic turf, a Drought Tolerant Landscape, or a whole new yard altogether. Just make sure your property is in one of our Serviceable Areas.

Before we get into some ideas for your landscaping project, there is one more thing to acknowledge - it's use. Of course, with a larger area there comes more possibilities, but regardless of what you're working with, try to figure out what is most important to you. If you're planning on turning your space into something tailored for your young children to play, you may want to consider more temporary options before you invest in something more extravagant. On the flip side, if curb appeal is all that matters, then going for something more complete would be ideal. Moving on, let's look at some design ideas for your yard.

Window Boxes

An easy way to make your home appear softer and more developed is to attach window boxes under the exterior of your windows. Window boxes are easy to maintain as you can water them from the inside of your home, and they give your view into the outside world a pretty, natural touch. We believe that much of your landscaping should be something you can adore from the interior of your home, making window boxes a nice exterior addition.


Gazebos come in all shapes and sizes, and they serve as an important focal point in many landscapes. A gazebo can serve protection from direct sunlight, rain, and snow, while still allowing you to experience your outdoor space. This piece helps bring a nice aesthetic to any landscape project.


Similar to gazebo's, pergolas provide some basic protection against direct sunlight. However, most pergolas have open roofs that will not shield you from rain or snow, unless you get one with a fabric roof (which are usually retractable). As well, many pergolas are installed right against the house, shielding the area around the door to the backyard. In some instances, it may be appropriate to install them elsewhere, such as when using the classic metal-frame style with plant cover over a walkway.

Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor kitchens are useful for a variety of reasons. For one, you won't accidentally set your fire alarm off while cooking. Secondly, you'll have another space to cook food, allowing you to get more done in less time. The space is also good for allowing the people cooking to still be involved with whatever activity is going on outside.


Fountains add an artistic element to landscapes. In many cases they serve as the focal point, but in others, they may just be a part of another feature, such as a Coi pond. Besides looking nice, fountains add the sound of running water, which many people find to be calming.

Fire Pit

A firepit is good for an area where social gatherings will be the focus. Of course, you'll have to think of seating as well when it comes to spending time with others around it. While chairs are easy, you may want to consider outdoor couches, daybeds, and hammocks. A firepit can take any average yard and make it the destination for neighborhood gatherings, roasting marshmallows, or a nice, peaceful evening under the stars.

Outdoor Dining Area

An outdoor dining area is another good element for an area designed with social gatherings in mind. If weather is a concern, you may want to consider putting the dining table under a pergola, or at least a sturdy umbrella. Whether it is day or night, you will grateful that you are able to enjoy a meal outdoors with friends and family.


While sheds are typically known to be a good place to store tools, there are plenty of other ways to make use of one. We've seen sheds turned into home offices, playhouses, guest rooms, and more. There are plenty of stylized sheds, so getting one to match your landscape should be no worry.

Green House

Greenhouses are great for organic produce lovers and gardening enthusiasts. Greenhouses allow the user to control the internal environment, allowing for plants to grow at a steady rate year-round. This also means they can produce more fruit for a longer period of time, as well. It's important to note that greenhouses attract a lot of insects, rodents, reptiles, and other small creatures, so be ready to deal with that.


When the temperature rises, you will be wishing there is a pool right outside the door. A pool can provide endless amounts of entertainment and relaxation during the warmer parts of the year. If you prefer your pool to be on the warmer side but want to save on heating, we recommend looking into a pool cover / solar blanket. The endless possibilities of summer fun the family will experience is worth every penny to have this incredible feature.

California Room

A California room is like an indoor room that has one or more removable or removed walls, exposing it to the outside world. This space creates a more seamless flow from the interior to the exterior of the house and allows for the comfort of the indoors while also providing fresh air. Most California rooms are additions to the actual home, but there are some standalone ones as well.

Hot Tub

Hot tubs are a great amenity for relaxation and entertainment. They can also aid in efforts for stress relief, muscle relaxation, pain relief, and more. If you're designing a landscape for an Airbnb, a hot tub is a sure-fire way to get good reviews.

Low Hedges

Short hedges are less about privacy and more about creating borders for areas and walkways, creating a zoning effect around your yard and making things more organized.

Tall Hedges

On the flip side, tall hedges are useful for creating privacy, which is good when you live next to neighbors. Be careful to know how tall your hedges will grow, and how fast, as trimming them will quickly become a lot of work.

Flower Wall

If you have a cold, hard wall that needs to be softened, then a flower wall is a good option to go with. As well, it provides a nice addition in color. Commonly seen at weddings and big events, a flower wall can add a subtle elegance to any property.

Outdoor Lighting

There's a reason one of the first thing photographers and cinematographers check is lighting - it can really make or break a scene. Lighting in the front yard can help your home appear grander and more welcoming, while backyard lighting will allow you to enjoy more time there after dark.

Tree Lanterns

If you like out-of-the-box lighting ideas, this one may prove useful. Of course, you can opt for Christmas-lights, or even a nice chandelier, but adding any sort of light fixture will bring more life to your tree. Adding lights to a tree can bring a calming presence and wonder to a summer or winter's evening.


A trellis is a versatile piece that can be placed against walls, on top of them, or independently by themselves. They are a useful alternative to hedges, good at softening walls, can provide shade in other areas, and can even be used to organize fruit trees.

Artificial Turf

As water bills have risen across the nation, more people have looked for solutions to lower it. One great option is to replace your natural lawn with a synthetic lawn. Artificial turf is incredibly resilient, so you can continue to use it in almost all the same ways you had previously. No watering, fertilizing, mowing, weeding, none of it. Of course, we recommend looking to our sister company, Southwest Greens, for all your synthetic turf needs.


A well-maintained garden allows any landscape to stand out. Flowers add life to any yard and allow a property to be full of life. The purpose of gardens is not only to make your property standout, but can also be used for food. There are not a lot of limitations on what can be planted in your garden. A garden can not only be a way to relax, but is a great way of physical exercise and activity.


Pavers add a nice modern touch to any property and can help one with the maintenance of the yard. Paver driveways make your house seem grand and adds a design to a once simple driveway. They can also be placed in your lawn as a walkway. This is a good option if the area gets a good amount of traffic and needs an aesthetic upgrade. The possibilities of what one can do with pavers are endless and affordable.

Sunken Patio

A sunken patio is one way to make your outdoor experience even more special. This feature allows the yard to stand out, but there is still a sense of privacy. A sunken patio can be a way to make your get togethers seem more intimate and personal.

Bird House

A birdhouse can literally bring life to your landscape design. This is a simple feature, but can be incredibly rewarding for any homeowner. For those who love birds or animals in general will love adding a birdhouse to their property. This item is extremely cost effective and can be made out of almost anything. From a built wooden house to an old milk carton, adding this home for the flying creatures in your yard will bring a smile to any observer's face.

Tree Ring Planter

A ring planter for trees beings a nice aesthetic to any yard. Ring planters are totally expendable and various landscaping items can be put in the planter (some of these items would include: flowers, bark, stones, ect.). Adding this feature will make something ordinary stand out and gives you an opportunity to add personality to your property.

Flower Bed

Flower beds are a great way for any property owner to show their creativity while simultaneously giving a warm welcome to their guests. The great thing about flower beds is they are incredibly cost effective and can be made out of almost anything. This feature repurposes items that normally would be thrown away or stored. So, take that eye sore piece you have laying around and plant some flowers in it.


If you are one that wants a sense of peace in their yard, a waterfall is a great way to do that. This piece not only allows for a homeowner to bring up the value of the property, but adding a waterfall can make your yard feel like an extension of the wild. When most will need to leave their homes to see a waterfall, you can see one right out your window.

Coi Pond

A coi pond is a unique piece of landscaping that has great benefits. Not only is a pond aesthetically pleasing to the gaze, but it is also a way of conserving water. Water that would normally be wasted at a plant, will now be for your use in your pond. There will be less to maintain on the landscaping side of things and will save on time spent mowing. There is also an opportunity to add aquatic creatures which can be enjoyed by all ages.


Trees may seem like an obvious feature, but many times overlooked. A tree can bring life and shade to your yard. Another feature that a tree can bring is food. Planting fruit producing  trees can help save money and bring more life to any landscape. Homes will be built in the tree by little creatures in your backyard to give the yard company. One can include various types of features to make the trees stand out even more.


If any parent wants 'cool' points with the kids, then a playground on your property is a must have. A playground is the perfect addition for any family that wants to keep their children entertained outside. This allows for a property owner to entertain their children and provide them with something to do on a warm summer day. Playgrounds have the expendability of being used year round and played on by young youth. This will also help save time and gas spent on driving to a park. Boredom will no longer be an issue with a playground in the backyard.

Basketball Court

For all you sport lovers, a basketball court is the way to go. Much like a playground, a basketball court can be used as a tool to keep your teenagers entertained. Playing basketball can also be a great avenue to exercising for any age. Depending on how often the court is used, you can get a great return on your investment.


Often overlooked, stones are a crucial part to any landscaping project. This feature is sometimes not the most glamorous item, but it is definitely a key component to a great looking yard. Some of the rocks commonly used are cobblestone, flagstone, brick, pea gravel, river, and lava rock. Adding rocks can help with water distribution in your yard and can help cut down on mowing.


A treehouse may be a more challenging project for some, but it can be one of the most rewarding.  Kids grow up hoping to have a safe haven where their imagination can run free. A treehouse can fill this need for any child who loves being outside and has a great sense of adventure.

Hummingbird Feeder

If you live in an area where hummingbirds roam, adding a hummingbird feeder is a must have accessory. Hummingbird feeders are incredibly affordable and worth the investment. These elegant creature will provide wonder and awe when they decide to stop by for a drink.

Putting Green

Adding  a putting green can not only improve one's golf game, but also, increase the property value. Having a putting green in the backyard is every golf enthusiast's dream and installing a putting green makes that dream a reality. Adding a synthetic putting green can help with lawncare and water conservation as well. There is very little maintenance that come with having a putting green and the color rarely fades. This option may be one of the more costly projects and may not be an absolute must for everyone. Consulting with a Southwest Greens' consultant will be the best way to get the highest quality putting green one can have installed.


Add a kick to how you enjoy outdoor seating this summer by adding a swing. The swing has been around for centuries, but this feature is not outdated by any means. Swings can be enjoyed by all ages and can be placed anywhere on your property. The variety of swings one can choose from is endless and should definitely be considered by anyone who wants their landscape to stand out.


Adding a sculpture may seem unappealing to some, having a sculpture on your property is the way to go. There is an extremely wide variety of different pieces one can choose. Each piece can be unique to the property owner and can add value to your property. Plus, they are great to look at!

Ivy Wall

It is time to turn that eye sore wall into a canvas of opportunity! Adding ivy to a wall not only stands out, but also has benefits of keeping your home cooler during the summers and warmer during the winters. Ivy is both good for the environment and one's health. With all the benefits it carries, there is no secret that an ivy wall would be a great for any property.

Stepping Stones

Stepping stones are just another way to make any landscaping project stand out amongst the rest. This feature allows the property owner room for creativity. Stepping stones can be any individual stone or mix and match of different kinds. You are not limited to one type of design, there is an opportunity to design a plethora of stepping stone walk ways. One great example of this would be something called a floating walk way, where the stones are slightly elevated to give the impression that they are weightless.

Hanging Garden

A hanging garden is a feature that takes creativity and time, but can be a massive payoff. This simple addition will add an elegance of riches. They will give your yard a sense of life and growth that every home owner hopes to reach when landscaping. Hanging gardens have been around for centuries, but adding your own modern touch will not make it feel futuristic.


After a long day working on the yard, Who doesn't love to lie down and kick their feet up? A hammock has multiple uses and purposes. Reading a book, drinking a cold beverage, taking a nap or just relaxing can be even more enjoyable by adding this feature. This can be enjoyed by all ages and is a must have for anyone who loves to look up at the sky and relax.

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